Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It has been a while since I posted, but warmer weather has gotten me doing a lot more lately. We found out our next baby will be our 3rd boy! I am very excited, and we have already picked out a name. Houston Donn. Donn is after my husband's late father and my husband picked out Houston himself. Houston is a very active baby, more active than my other 2 were at this point. Braxton will be 7 in less than a month! Where does time go? Korbin just turned 2 in December. He is still very much my baby, and I kinda feel sorry for him with the new baby coming LOL. We are going to look for a female rabbit tomorrow so maybe we can have a litter of babies before Easter. I also want a rake to get rid of old leaves in the yard. But it is supposed to snow so who knows! LOL